We have a wonderful line up of exhibitors and speakers at this year’s Jamboree. The exhibitors can be found in the beautiful Great Hall of the Art Workers’ Guild. Here are some of the people taking part and links to their Instagram profiles.
Alan Powers/Pollocks Toy Theatre @alanpowers1955
Anna Lovell @annalovelljewellery
Beth ceramics @bethmorrisonsstuff
Chris Brown @christopherbrownlino
Denis Severs House @denissevershouse
Design For Today @designfortoday
Elizabeth Harbour Designs @elizabeth.harbour
Endlings @endlings.hastings
Gentle Author @thegentleauthor
James Brown @pressedandfolded
Lesley Barnes @lesley_barnes
Louise Lockhart @theprintedpeanut
Mainstone Press @mainstonepress
Marion Elliot @marion.elliot
Mark Hearld @mark_hearld
Penfold Press @penfoldpress
Rob Ryan @robryantown
Sail Cargo @sailcargolondonandkent
Starch Green @starch_green
Studio to Home @studiotohome